Thursday, February 9, 2012

Burgess Shale

Here are some pictures, a website, and video of the Burgess Shale, which we've just started studying in class. The site was discovered by Charles Walcott in 1909 and remains one of the world's most important fossil sites, especially for its abundance of the fossils of soft-bodied animals from the beginnings of the Cambrian explosion. 

Burgess Shale Geoscience Foundation

Unfortunately, all of my attempts to use the polygon feature of Google Earth to indicate a more specific region resulted  in the map blacking out.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Elements of Communication
Communication progressed throughout the ages, diverging into many unique varieties and styles. Visual, auditory, spoken word, and drawings demonstrate the diverse ways humans relate to each other. These methods have experienced change due to advancements in technology. Each approach to communication possesses its own advantages and disadvantages. Written and most visual mediums hold a high potential to misrepresent tone and emotion. Spoken words fail to share ideas when individuals have different languages and lexicons. Overall, communication has experienced successful progress with heightened technology. Worldwide connectivity lessens the gap between states and continents. However with this advancement communication has shed some personal touches for the sake of speed and convenience. Clarity is essential to communication. Unclear communication is an oxymoron of sorts. Without a clear passage of information, communication is meaningless. Unbiased communication rarely exists. Each variety or style of communication reflects biases of the originator/speaker.